Why do I need a patch test?
First – What is a patch test?
A patch test is done, prior to your treatment, by using 2-3 different settings and testing small areas of skin.
The reasons people give, to avoid having a patch test, range from “I’ve had patch a test and PicoSure before” to “you must be trying to see if your treatments work”.
Lets start with the latter….. The PicoSure, like any other laser has a specific range of treatments that it can perform. When patients enquire about the treatments we offer, we advise them whether we can help them or not – before booking any appointments. We only do a patch test for the treatments we offer.
When you are seen for the first time, we will do a consultation which includes a complete medical history.
By doing a full medical history we can determine whether:
– You are suitable for the treatment
– Your treatment has to be delayed
– You actually need to be referred
Now for the former…. You’ve had a patch test and PicoSure before…..
Yes many people don’t understand, but here’s
Why we do your patch test.
1. Best practice
UberSkin is a registered clinic and our treatments are carried out under strict medical protocol, which includes having a patch test prior to your first treatment.
2. Best setting
This simply means, we need to choose the correct settings on the PicoSure which will give you the best results for your treatment. In order to find out what this setting is, we do a patch test.
3. Best result
We then wait to see how these spot tests develop and respond over a period of time. This can be anything from 24 hours to several days depending on your skin type.
Doing a patch test, is a simple way of understanding whether a setting is right or too high or too low. If the setting is too low, then your treatment will not be effective. If it is too high, then you could have an adverse reaction.
Ultimately your safety is paramount. We want you to feel confident having the treatment. So doing a patch test is the simplest way of finding out the best setting to achieve the best results with your chosen treatment.